The Evolution of Laundromats

Written by Neziah Shaw

April 13, 2021

Laundromats started in the Roman Empire, where washers called “fulluries” gathered clothes from local households and washed them and then brought them back. In 1851 the first hand powered washer was invented, then ten years later the first clothes wringer was added. The development of electric washers and dryers in 1915 made traditional laundromats more popular, due to household washers and dryers being very expensive.

Outdoor laundromats became more popular with the transition from traditional to modern day laundromats as well as the banning of outdoor drying in the US, bringing an abundance of business for modern indoor laundromats. The first indoor laundromat was opened in 1934 and fifteen years after that the coin operated washers and dryers were invented.

With COVID-19 cashless payments are becoming more prominent in the industry to adapt with changes and regulations like the rest of the world. Laundromats are adding more services other than self-wash. Many have wash and fold services, where you drop off or schedule a pick up and the company takes care of your laundry for you. And there are even services where it can be picked up, cleaned and then delivered to your home. Laundromats have been evolving since ancient times, they are so useful that they have not faded into a time of the past. 

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